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Flow Chart of Knit Garment Merchandising

In the broadest sense, merchandising is one sort of good practice that contributes to selling products to a retail consumer. The main object of a merchandiser is to promote the sale of goods, especially by their good behavior, and presentation in retail outlets. A merchandiser is assigned to execute the 4 R’s of expediting the Right Cost, Right Quantity, Right Quality, and Right Time.

What is Garments Merchandising?

In the garments trade, a merchandiser has to negotiate with all to execute any order. Besides this, they have to motivate the marketing, development and production departments at the same time. To make smooth merchandising activities every merchandiser has to follow the below flow chart by which anyone can do their work very smartly. The process of flow chart for garments merchandising is presented below.

Here I have tried to describe the summary of the working procedure of a knit garment merchandiser. To execute any order a knit garment merchandiser has to obey these steps and processes for better performance.

Below is flow chart of knit merchandising-



Order confirmation

T&A (Time and action plan)

Lab dip approval

Yarn order

Trims approval

Trims order

Pre production meeting

pp samples approval

Garment Testing

Knitting approval

CMT (Cut Make Trim)


Shipment sample approval (gold seal)



Final inspection

Goods dispatched