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Working Procedure of a Knit Garment Merchandiser

Who is Garments Merchandiser?

As we know, the merchandising job is a little bit complicated. Merchandiser has to face many problems to complete an order. Merchandisers have to be ready to face any problem till the delivery date. Even after product delivery merchandiser has to face several queries like quality problems, shipment cancellation, or payment issues. Thus problem solving attitude is one of the most important parts of merchandising career. Besides this, a merchandiser is an assigned person to execute the role of the 4 R’s of expediting Right Cost, Right Quantity, Right Quality, and Right Time to fulfill an order. So merchandiser has to follow the below-working procedure to minimize problems to boost their career.

Knitting Technology:

Knitting garments are the most demand-able items in fashion industry. Knit garments manufacturing process is easier than woven garments. There are two types of fabrics used in the apparel industry. One is woven fabric and the second is knitted fabric. Two types of machines are used for manufacturing knit items. After watching buyer provided sample, analyze spec sheet then merchandiser can decide which machine will be used. They are as follows-

  1. Flats knitted machine
  2. Circular knitted machine.

Step by step all process is described below:

Working procedure of woven and knit garment merchandisers is little bit different. A knit garment merchandiser’s working procedure is divided into three segments. First one is “Order Confirmation”, the second one is “Fabric follow up” and the third one is “Order execution”. All these three steps are important to execute an order. Let’s discuss the whole working process step by step below:

A) Order confirmation 

1. Sampling:

Usually, merchandiser receives sample, and spec sheet with all details and instructions from the buyer end. Sometimes spec sheet may be changed according to the buyer’s wish. Merchandiser has to review all receiving elements closely to realize buyer desire. It is their main duty to on-time sample delivery and expedites any bulk order.

2. Costing:

After review buyer provided sample merchandiser should check the fabric GSM with total weight. Then make a material list for preparing consumption sheet to get costing. To get perfect costing merchandisers should consider the following items such as yarn cost, various sewing process cost, CMT (Cut, Make, Trim) charge, ironing charges, packing charges and accessories rate, overheads and shipping charge etc. Then merchandiser has to submit each item quotation to the buyer to confirm the order.

3. Programming:

Once buyer confirms the bulk order the merchandiser has to make a T&A Chart (Time & Action) by communicating with the Planning and Production manager. In this stage, merchandiser has to make a route card or production schedule with the help of the production department.

B) Fabric follow-up

“Fabric-follow up” is the main important part for knit garment merchandisers. So someone should know it clearly to become a good knit garment merchandiser. Now I will try to clear it for your reference. “Fabric-follow up” contains the following features:

  1. Yarn booking and requisition,
  2. Fabric booking,
  3. Lab dip develops,
  4. Local accessories booking,
  5. Knitting follow-up,
  6. Lab dip approval,
  7. Fabrics dyeing follow-up and in-house
  8. Knitting approval

Seven key factors exist in “fabric follow-up” issue. Let’s discuss these key factors below:

1. Yarn booking and requisition:

Then merchandisers check fabric GSM and give yarn booking and requisition to the fabric manufacturer according to the buyer instructions.

2. Fabric booking:

Next step is fabric booking. Merchandiser has to move on the T&A chart to chase an order. Once place yarn booking and requisition, a merchandiser has to confirm fabric booking to hit the delivery date. They should do accurate consumption based on order quantity, types of fabric (Cotton single jersey, double jersey, and Stretch piquet), color assortment etc.

3. Lab-dip development:

Lab dip development is one of the urgent issues in this step. Merchandiser should contact the dyeing factory to develop the lab dip quickly to get buyer approval. Try to minimize lab-dip developing time to go ahead.

4. Local accessories booking:

In this step, merchandiser should place an order to local accessories suppliers for sewing thread, button, twill tape, rivet, label, sticker, hang-tag, carton-box etc. and try to in-house these items before fabric receiving.

5. Knitting follows up:

After completing all the above four steps, a merchandiser should look after knitting process before approving lab dip by the buyer.

6. Lab dip approval:

Once lab dip development is finished the merchandiser has to send it to the buyer for approval.

7. Fabric dyeing follow-up and in-house:

Once get lab dip approval from the buyer end; merchandiser has to send it to the dyeing factory for fabric dyeing. After dyeing, try to in-house all those fabrics for order execution.

8. Knitting approval

Meantime merchandiser has to send A4 size all color, all item fabric swatch to the buyer for knitting approval.

C) Order execution

“Order execution” is the second step for a knit merchandiser. If first part is done smoothly then it will be easier to accomplish “order execution” efficiently.

Following issues are included in order execution:

  1. Pattern making
  2. Print and embroidery development
  3. Fit sample making
  4. Pre-production sample
  5. Garment Testing
  6. Fabric Cutting
  7. Print and embroidery
  8. Sewing
  9. Finishing and QC check
  10. Shipment sample approval (gold seal)
  11. Packing
  12. Final inspection
  13. Goods dispatched

Now we will try to narrate the above all nine features:

1. Pattern making:

Once receive the reference sample from the buyer end, a merchandiser should forward it to the pattern maker with details instructions to develop pattern with a dummy sample to make consumption and cost sheet.

2. Print and embroidery development:

If buyer reference sample exist print and embroidery, then merchandiser develops it by following buyer’s instructions to get approval.

3. Fit sample making:

After that, a merchandiser should make the fit sample by following the buyer’s instructions. Available fabric and color can be used for developing fit samples but measurement must be accurate according to buyer provided measurement sheet. Fit sample is mandatory to go ahead.

4. Pre-production sample:    

A merchandiser has to send the fit sample to the buyer for their comments. Once the basis of fit sample comments, they have to develop Pre-production sample for buyer review. This time merchandiser has to use original fabric and accessories. Besides this, they have to insert actual print and embroidery in correct position to get final approval.

5. Garment Testing 

Before inserting into the production line merchandiser has to do garment testing in buyer nominated lab.

6. Fabric Cutting:

After receiving PP sample comments from the buyer end, a knit garment merchandiser should start the cutting process. Before laying down the fabric on the cutting table cutting quality person should check fabric shrinkage percentage to keep accurate measurements.

7. Print and embroidery:

Once fabric cutting is done, cutting pieces should be sent to the print and embroidery section to do it quickly.

8. Sewing:

Once receive fabric pieces from cutting section please fed the cutting pieces into the sewing line to make ready-made garments. At this time please follow buyer’s instructions and ensure product quality strictly.

9. Finishing and QC check:

Line quality has to check every piece of garment physically by standing from the sewing line, after that all of those need to be sent to the finishing section for final checking.

10. Shipment sample approval (gold seal)

Before shipment merchandiser has to send a gold seal sample to the buyer from the production line for review and shipment approval.

11. Packing

Finish goods sample has to be collected from the production line for hang tagging, sticker, and packaging.

12. Final inspection 

Before goods are dispatched merchandiser has to arrange a final inspection by the buyer-nominated quality team.

13. Goods dispatched

Quality department has to check all the garments before dispatch. If quality checking is done OK then goods are ready for shipment by sea or air according to the buyer’s wish. Commercial team will prepare shipping documents for shipment according to the buyer’s destination.

Conclusion: Here we have tried to narrate the entire working procedure of a knit garment merchandiser. A merchandiser has to be more conscious to finish all these steps carefully.